While visiting our neighborhood, the Historic Site Preservation Officer for the City of Palm Springs, was impressed with the history and architectural integrity of our neighborhood and encouraged our neighborhood to apply for a special designation called Historic District.
While all of our homes are special, the Historic Site Preservation Officer believes that the 64 Alexander tract homes, marketed as Enchanted Village may have a compelling story that could achieve Historic District designation.
The single family homes located on Compadre, Roxbury, Bedford, Beverly and 515 Canon are therefore included. The remaining single family homes on Canon and El Cielo and the Palms Condos are excluded from this potential historic district.
The LBHBO Board of Directors met in December 2024 and based on the Historic Site Preservation Officer's initial assessment agreed to form an exploratory committee to determine if homeowners would like to proceed with applying for a historic district. The committee is comprised of five owners (including three non-board members) to facilitate communication to owners and to apply for the historic district if determined by a majority of eligible owners.
The appointed committee members are:
The committee will conduct multiple meetings with homeowners in order to assess interest in potentially proceeding forward with the application and to provide updates.
Additionally, this webpage has been developed as a central repository and will be updated as information is available to provide full transparency to our residents. The FAQ section below is intended to answer community questions. If you have a question that isn't listed below it's likely that other neighbors are asking the same thing. Please contact us and we will be happy to provide an explanation.
Each home has been preliminarily assessed based on their architectural integrity (how similar they are today to when they were built in 1957/1958).
In reviewing other potential historic districts, original carports that have been converted to living spaces are disqualifying renovations for the purpose of contributor properties. However, homes with a carport that has been converted to a garage may still be contributors (according to current HSPB rules).
Homes identified in green are potentially contributing while those in red have been preliminary determined to be non-contributing. Those homes identified as "contributors" may be classified as a Class 3 Historic Property if we receive Historic District designation while those that are identified as "non-contributors" will retain their current Class 4 Historic Property designation, based on the year of construction (pre-January 1978).
Please note that the City of Palm Springs, in their sole discretion, determines whether a particular home is a contributor or non-contributor in a given Historic District.
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question so that it may be added.
Historic Districts are delineated geographic areas of the city of Palm Springs, excluding Tribal Trust or Allotted Trust Land, that contain a number of buildings, structures, natural features or sites having historic, architectural, archaeological, cultural or aesthetic significance. (PSMC 8.05.020) The City’s Historic Preservation Ordinance (Municipal Code Section 8.05) section 8.05.090 provides the procedures and regulatory framework for the designation of historic districts.
According to the National Register of Historic Places, a historic district is: "a geographically definable area, urban or rural, possessing a significant concentration, linkage, or continuity of sites, buildings, structures, or objects united by past events or aesthetically by plan or physical development. A district may also comprise individual elements separated geographically but linked by association or history."
- Source City of Palm Springs
At present, the only residential historic districts are condominium complexes (e.g. Ocotillo Lodge, Royal Hawaiian Estates, etc.). The Enchanted Village would be the first proposed historic district in the City of Palm Springs comprised of single family residential properties. No, neither Twin Palms or Vista Las Palmas have yet applied for historic district status.
- Additional information provided by Enchanted Village Planning Committee
Historic districts distinguish certain areas within the City that are unique or special. They promote neighborhood pride and recognition. Buildings within a historic district possess shared characteristics that are uncommon or reflect a particular period of development in the City. They enhance the richness and personality of the city by preserving these unique areas. They help stabilize property values by ensuring that architectural standards are maintained or restored.
These standards are typically codified in “Historic District Design Guidelines”. Studies have shown that property values in protected historic districts tend to be higher than comparable neighborhoods without such standards or protections.
Contributing structures within a historic district may qualify for property tax reductions.
- Source City of Palm Springs
The City Council designates historic districts. A historic district application may be made by a recognized neighborhood organization, by an authorized representative of the district under consideration or by the City itself. Often property owners within a particular area of the City recognizing the beauty or uniqueness of their neighborhood pursue historic district status as a means of protecting the unique character of their neighborhood from ensuing redevelopment
pressure. Others pursue historic district status as a means of stabilizing property values or as a means of participating in the economic benefits of the City’s cultural and architectural tourism industry.
Historic District applications are reviewed by the City’s Historic Preservation Officer (“HPO”) and considered for recommendation to the City Council at a public hearing of the City’s Historic Site Preservation Board (“HSPB”). Property owners, residents and business owners within the proposed historic district are encouraged to comment and participate in
this process. Not less than three outreach meetings are required with the HPO and property owners within the proposed historic district.
Historically significant buildings are categorized as “contributing”; those that are not are deemed “non-contributing” to the historic significance of the proposed district.
Once the HSPB completes its review of the application, its recommendation is forwarded to the City Council for consideration. The City Council then holds a public hearing before voting on whether or not to create the historic district.
- Source City of Palm Springs
Strong community support is important to any successful planning process. This is especially true in the historic district process which involves every property owner, resident and business owner within the proposed district. Community input is sought from the beginning of the process and the community is kept informed through mailings, community or neighborhood meetings, and the noticed public hearings of the HSPB and the City Council. Written approval from no less than 51% of all property owners within the proposed boundaries of the historic district are required.
- Source City of Palm Springs
Generally there is no effect on the ongoing use and maintenance of properties in historic districts beyond what is already required by the City. When demolition, new construction or exterior alteration to structures within a historic district is contemplated, the proposed work application is reviewed by the City’s Historic Preservation Officer (“HPO”). Minor projects are processed by the HPO at staff level. Major alterations are reviewed by the HPO and forwarded to the HSPB for approval.
When considering new construction or alterations to existing structures in a historic district, the City references the U.S. Park Services’ Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Buildings. These standards are used throughout the country to ensure alterations and additions to historic properties are consistent and appropriate.
Owners making exterior changes to their property have an extra review step before a City building permit is issued. Scheduling the HSPB review may require some additional time.
- Source City of Palm Springs
Even though a building might not have historic characteristics, exterior changes could adversely impact the historic street and neighborhood setting or ambiance. Consequently, the architectural review process applies to all properties within historic district boundaries.
In terms of financial incentives such as the Mills Act, only contributing sites may qualify. Non-contributing sites in historic districts are not eligible for this property tax reduction incentive program.
- Source City of Palm Springs
A Mills Act Historic Property Preservation Agreement or “Mills Act contract” is a state-initiated program implemented by the City that can potentially provide property tax relief for owners of Contributing buildings or sites within historic districts. Not all contributing buildings will qualify. The 10-year rolling contract requires certain maintenance responsibilities to be carried out by the property owner that protect and preserve the historic characteristics of the property. Property owners should explore this option with their tax advisor and the Riverside County tax assessor’s office.
- Source City of Palm Springs
All physical conditions that exist at the time the historic district is designated are “grandfathered in.” Owners are not required to do anything pro-actively to conform to the historic district regulations. When new construction or exterior alterations are contemplated, the historic district design guidelines and the City’s architectural review guidelines apply. The cost effect of these guidelines needs to be considered on a case-by-case basis depending on the nature of the
- Source City of Palm Springs
The Historic Site Preservation Officer believes that the 64 Alexander Construction Company homes that were marketed as the Enchanted Village have a compelling story relative to ACC's plan to build affordable housing for the city's permanent residents.
Should the City recognize the 64 homes as a historic district, it will be known as The Enchanted Village Historic District (in the Little Beverly Hills neighborhood).
- Answer provided by Enchanted Village Planning Committee
No, but they are not included in this process/potential application. It is possible to have more than one historic district within a One-PS neighborhood (i.e. within Little Beverly Hills).
If the owners of the 20 Meiselman homes or the owners of The Palms condos are interested in pursuing a historic district, they may, but this would be a separate application. An initial assessment by the Historic Site Preservation Officer would be a logical first step. Architectural integrity analysis and additional historical research would be required (for example determining the unidentified architect used in the Meiselman tract). Interested homeowners from those developments are encouraged to pursue this if they would like.
We would be happy to share information about the process that we have learned to those who might be interested in these opportunities.
- Answer provided by Enchanted Village Planning Committee
Integrity, as it applies to historic preservation, is a measure of retention of sufficient historic fabric
and character-defining features to convey its historical significance. Ratings were only assigned to
buildings built in or before 1963. There are seven aspects of integrity, and the scale of 1-7 is
shorthand for that list. The aspects are: location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling,
and association. All seven qualities do not need to be present for eligibility as long as the overall
sense of the past time and place is evident.
Source: San Francisco Planning Department
Our initial assessment indicates that your home may maintain sufficient architectural integrity to be classified as a contributing property to the potential historic district. This means that the home maintains most of the original architectural elements (e.g. elevation, architectural details, etc.) and is still identifiable from its original look in 1957/1958.
While changes to the original home may have been made over time, the totality of the subject property is close to original without significant modifications.
A fence or wall that partially obstructs the view of the home's elevation is not disqualifying for "potential contributor" status.
At present, carports that have been converted to garages do not, in and of themselves, disqualify a home from being a potential contributor, however, the Historic Site Preservation Board may change that determination in the future. Carports that have been converted to living space, however, are disqualifying from potential contributors.
The City of Palm Springs, in their sole discretion, will determine which homes are contributors vs non-contributors. Our assessment is a first pass and final determination may change.
- Answer provided by Enchanted Village Planning Committee
Architectural integrity of the original elevation and architectural elements of the property (as determined by viewing the home from the street) determine which properties are contributing vs non-contributing. Either one or more significant modifications to the home have yielded a potential determination of non-contributing status.
Some examples of elements that could determine a potential non-contributor property include, but is not limited to:
- Answer provided by Enchanted Village Planning Committee
A Historic District (with contributing properties reclassified as Class 3 properties) is the mechanism by which a neighborhood can apply for historic status. Class 1 and Class 2 historic resources are individual applications for which a significantly higher standard is applied to subject properties.
Homeowners who are interested in applying for Class 1 or Class 2 Historic Resource should consult with the city's Historic Site Preservation Officer.
- Answer provided by Enchanted Village Planning Committee
Studies have shown that property values in protected historic districts tend to be higher than comparable neighborhoods without such standards or protections. Contributing structures within a historic district may qualify for property tax reductions.
- Source City of Palm Springs
The City of Palm Springs' code includes information related to what owners can/can't do to historic resources within a Historic District. Please refer to
Title 8 - Buildings & Construction / Chapter 8.05 Historic Preservation / Article IV Rules & Regulations for Development of Historic Resources and within Historic Districts.
- Answer provided by Enchanted Village Planning Committee
Files coming soon.
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The most recent edition of our neighborhood newsletter has been released including an update on Modernism Week events throughout our pocket-mid century neighborhood.